Population compatibility

Judging non-superficially

Let us put it this way – with “Skin in the game” to keep it real. Even an impartial neutral non-hindu atheist might see the point.

Would one, as a father of two young Hindu girls, want to live in the midst of a muslim neighborhood (punjabi, bangla, moplah, kashmiri take your pick)? A burmese buddhist neighborhood? A Balinese Hindu neighborhood? A vietnamese buddhist neighborhood?

The muslims can eat all of the same chicken Tikka masala and the Vietnamese can eat all the cocroaches they catch. But, at the end of the day, what matters far more are some shared gurantees and outlook. In other words, “more in common” is not a simple average – but a weighted complex mean.

Muslim compatibility

  • To quote Ambedkar : “Indeed, there is more spiritual unity between Hindustan and Burma than there is between Pakistan and Hindustan. And if the Hindus did not object to the severance of Burma from India, it is difficult to understand how the Hindus can object to the severance of an area like Pakistan, which, to repeat, is politically detachable from, socially hostile and spiritually alien to, the rest of India.”


  • Hindu muslim riots have happened since before the advent of colonisers.
  • “In 1713 A.D., according to Khafi Khan, there was what he called religious disturbance which took place at Ahmedabad in Gujarat. As this is the first riot properly so called, described by one who appears to have been an eyewitness, I shall give a few instructive details from the account. One Hindu gentleman whose house faced that of a Mussalman across a common courtyard prepared to burn the holi* in front of his house but the Mussalman objected. The local official who was a Muslim gave his decision in favour of the Hindu and the latter burnt the holi. The next day the Mussalman gentleman,“desiring to give an entertainment in honour of the Prophet”, slaughtered a cow in front of his house. All the nearby Hindus immediately assembled and attacked the Mussalmans found there. They even killed the son of a cow-butcher, a lad of fourteen. This enraged the Mussalmans who gathered together in large numbers and were joined by Afghans who were the regular soldiery. “In the riots many shops were destroyed.” Many houses, too, of the Hindus were burnt. Numbers of Hindus and Mussalmans were killed. “The riot reached such a pitch that for three or four days all business and work in Ahmedabad was suspended.”

Neo-pagan case


  • “The burgeoning neo-pagan movement in the West has a very hard divide between the racists and the super left.”

Joining factors

  • Polytheism
  • Rivalry and fight for survival against Monotheisms (esp. Islam, Christianity)
  • Shared respect for nature, naturalism.

Dividing factors

  • Illustrations - see #phDiscord.
  • Denouncement of RSS and Hindutva. Insistence on secularism. Support for muslim rights.
  • Spirited subscription to extreme liberalist causes and views. The underlying [memetic framework](../ingestion/memetic framework/) is incompatible.
    • General SJW tendencies and demand for conformity.
    • “Gender is a social construct”
    • “Race is a social construct”
    • Anti-nationalism
    • Normalization of sexual deviance.
  • Jealousy and peevishness about having an inferior survival track-record.