
Relation to local systems

  • “the world has come a long way from the sārthavāha-s of yore who even when wide-ranging did not disrupt the local systems. For instance, in say the Marahaṭṭā country, where we formerly lived, there was the system of the bārā balutedāra-s which has perhaps lasted in some form from the pre-Āryan days of the Harappan civilization. This system comprised of 12 jāti-s who offered essential services for a village. These spanned the entire range from the jāti-s with a low social rank to those with a large component of steppe ancestry and old Āryan descent who were high-ranked. Irrespective of the real or imagined the local issues rising from inter-jāti conflicts, these still for most part worked as a rather cohesive unit for probably at least 1400 years. The sārthavāha operated on top of this system and bore produce across the country and beyond. However, such vaṇij-s did not do anything to interfere disruptively with the system in the villages.” - MT
  • “The modern sārthavāha built by the stock market or the internet is mostly a contrasting species. It is clear they have greater reach and rapacity than the old sārthavāha-s but they are also prone to more evil. There is an entire spectrum of the balance of evil they cause to the utility they provide to society.”

Evil social engineering schemes

  • “these idols of society are not purveying the neutral capitalism that the mleccha elite worship but a new unmāda +++(Leftist 0-theism)+++. This, along with their global reach, has allowed that unmāda to attain pandemic proportions.”
  • “The self-enriching mithyā-kraya-kartṛ Sora +++(Soros)+++ has absolutely nothing useful to offer to the world and a purely evil player.”
  • “The vyāpārin Bejha +++(Bezos)+++ offers several useful services for the jana-samudāya but has leveraged the wealth he has accumulated in the process to do evil.”
  • “Among the corporations, karṇa-piśācī guggulu +++(Google)+++ might offer some small services of use to the populace but has used its capture of an important resource to further evil.”
  • “A similar situation is seen with the duṣṭa, Jāka the dāraka +++(Twitter Jack)+++: he offers a platform for online advertisement and conversation but has used it to further evil causes and contribute to the demise of freedom of expression. Probably, Mukhagiri also falls in the same category as Jāka the dāraka.”


Atonement for Rapacity

  • “They are to a degree conscious that their rapacious actions cause a measure of harm to individuals and the emergent entity known as society which they comprise.”
  • “Moreover, in the past the mleccha and mūla-rugṇa sārthavāha-s used to practice what came to be known as capitalism in an unbridled way and they saw that it acquired a bad name.”
  • “Like all humans they too subliminally subscribe to the view that they can gain compensatory puṇya by performing acts in support of religion. In the past, the sārthavāha-s in our midst too, keen to acquire puṇya, used to make donations to various deva-prāsāda-s or build new ones themselves (or pāṣaṇdālaya-s).”

Subscription to 0-theisms

  • “This +++(0-theist)+++ version of the unmāda is now the ascendant religion among the employees of or of these very sārthavāha-s themselves. Thus, what has happened is that they seek to earn puṇya by granting endowments for this new abrahma-ruj.”
  • “Even if one were not infected fully by this secular mutation of the old unmāda-s, among the lay mleccha-s there is a certain naive econolatory: they worship the faceless market running by its own vrata-s and attribute all human abhyudaya to these magical market forces. They see it as self-correcting and the panacea for all evil — whereas in the past they used see the prathama and dvitīya unmāda-s as the foundation of their well-being they now either additionally or exclusively genuflect towards the miraculous market.”

Social reinforcement

  • “In this worship of the market, especially given that it is faceless, its purveyors, the vaṇij, naturally become important idols in society.”