Oppressive system fetish


  • For traits common with other Abe 0-theist maturations, see main page.

Change in perception of reality

Grievance focus

  • Focus on “grievance studies”. See J Lindsay 20. They seek to warp the perception of reality in terms of oppressors and oppressed.
  • The can spin a favored oppression angle in any situation. Example - “White man and Black man walk to a tailor shop. Attend to white person first? Racist. Attend to black person first? Racist because you want to get rid of him.”
  • Rooted in marxist concept of “conflict theory” of fundamental conflict between classes. Could be bourgeoisie vs proletariat or white vs black lives, male patriarchy vs women, hetero-normative straight culture vs sexual minorities.
  • “It’s now all about having the power to assert that in fact you are powerless, and therefore immune to criticism” - RK.

This, of course, runs counter to hindu ethos:

A tamasic, indolent, self-pitying nature (Krsna chides the weeping Arjuna’s newfound ‘unmanliness/impurity’ as being anarya-juShTam; unbefitting an Aryan, or even more, befitting a non-Aryan!) won’t do!

Intersectionality, deconstruction

  • Post-modernists want to tear everything apart. “Critical theory” people want to “deconstruct” everything (gender, race etc..) - except “systemic oppressed vs oppressor” (said to be very real).
  • The look at “systems of power” and deny agency to individuals - so revolutionary rioters and the “oppressors” are not actually responsible for their actions. But agency comes in when doing as their “theory” says.
  • With “intersectionality”, you look at all the opperssion classes/ identities one might have - then pare it down to a small group (but never to an individual, because he does not have agency). With “positionality”, they measure your position in relation to system of power.

Unscientific beliefs

  • This involves some rejection of science (eg. “scientific racism”) and even undermining mathematics. There was a movement in 2020 which sought to argue that 2+2=5 based on various nuances/ suppositions such as 2.3+2.4=2.7; two fowl produce a chick etc. - which was actually an attempt to shock, confuse and browbeat into believing that they are stupid and should respect “critical theory” and the like. Similarly - “there are multiple genders”.

Behavioral demands

  • In contemporary America, you have to keep confessing “I am a racist” to prove that you are not a racist. That’s the essence of Critical Race Theory.
    • Eg. Kneeling in solidarity with BLM protestors.
  • Language changes: “they”, “ze” pronouns

Lack of traditional guidance

  • the peculiarity of Marxism - Basically, what to do when children are born? Or when their parents die? Or when they would get married? Classics of Marxism and Leninism including the latter day ones, had nothing to say about every day human morality.

Restructuring society

  • Egalitarianism, anti-elitism, opposition to heredity influence (even in descriptive scientific research on phenotypes important in social functions).
  • Opposition to “both the traditional elite & the real science which can easily call out their imperial nakedness”. In west, traditional elite/ “System” is often identified with capitalist, western, scientific civilization.

Millennarianism/ apocalyptic cults

  • Early Bolsheviks were a millenarian apocalyptic sect. As in most such sects, the core members were young men who had abandoned their family and past lives in order to join the charismatic leader who served as the sect’s sacred center. Lenin’s nickname was the Old Man. (Children of the Revolution talk on UCTV by Yuri Slezkine) Most of them expected for the world as they knew it, to end within their lifetimes. The key word in their correspondence was faith- faith in communism. They also expected and certainly, Stalin did, an apocalyptic war. And it’s mostly in the expectation of that war that the hunt for possible traitors began (Reign of Terror).


  • Chinese cultural revolution.
  • Khmer Rouge
  • Black lives matter 2020 / cancel culture protesters tearing down statues.


  • In the old hard strain (ur1) - Dictatorship of the proletariat. Examples: Soviet state. Khmer Rouge. Naxals.
    • Karl Marx is himself the child of a Jewish (a strongly prophetic tradition) family of rabbis. So it’s not surprising Marx drew on it in attacking “injustice”.
  • In newer strains (ur2) - Mixture with econolatory (see main page for intro).
    • Examples: (Social Justice warriors) SJW-s of Soros who participated in 2020 US Race riots and more. Venus project. Urban naxals of India.
  • SJW
    • “Being just a covert Abrahamism its primary feature is a victimhood theology that does not at all sit well with the heathen traditions like H. It comes from a negative place antithetical to the victory-seeking mind set of the Arya-s of yore. Rather than wishing one to be a jigIShu it makes one perpetually feel hInatvam.”
    • “Importantly, the current form of the new mlechCha religion encourages the opposite of merit. It might be even more difficult for the H than the mahAmlechCha to come of that rut.” - MT

Transmission structures

  • Like u2 it needs a church-nurse (~ university) and assorted कुटिल-लम्पट-दुष्टाः are playing this role.

Pseudo elite production

Via MT20. There is an over production of vast body of degree-holders in James Lindsay& co’s “grievance studies”. This does smack of the creation of legions of cargo-cult elite who have turned against both the traditional elite & the real science which can easily call out their imperial nakedness. … the “possession” of these pseudo-elites is by a 0-grade Abrahamistic religion.

Expansion strategy

Via MT20. Now that religion has similar infectivity as its predecessors & is champing at the bit to break into previously virgin territory like H society, where this type of elite overproduction was not an issue. What its pathogenesis triggers is a production of these fake, pathological “elites” in the host society that it invades, like H in India. We are already seeing that in various educational institutions of India, especially like the recently established Ashoka, with arborizations into traditionally scientific institutes.

Once such production is established in a host society then it can trigger the same “eruptive” phase of the pathology in that society. With tentacles already reaching down to “catch ’em young” this pathology can rapidly become intergenerational.

Rapid response mobs and bullying

People are oft coerced into following the rudhironmAdas because - they don’t want to be regressive; on the wrong side of history; prove themselves too stupid to understand “intersectionality and critical theory”.


Early eastern incubation and development of resistance.

“the old strain was very much dependent on the Soviet continuation of the old Rus empire. Once that fell, it was like a chariot that had lost a wheel.” - MT … “The survivors of the fragment of Hun khangnate have realized it.”

“While it briefly infected the Cīna-s, what people do not get is that it was domesticated to the ultimate advantage of the Cīna-s as it encountered an even more potent endogenous coopter in the form Wei Yang Lord Shang’s legalism. Thus, the old strain was mostly a failure.”

Outbreaks in western academia

  • “However, a lineage of it survived in mleccha academia where it was incubated in the Ivy League soft departments and their more pedestrian arborizations as a local disease, much like a virus jumping from animal to animal in a Cīna “wet-market”.” - MT
  • “Like SARS-1 it has had localized outbreaks and was mostly used a weapon by mleccha-s against others like the Hindus — e.g. to reinvigorate the Naxals in the form of their urban variant (“the urban Naxals” as a Bollywood producer terms it). " - MT
  • “Its local outbreaks were mostly seen in the mleccha academia and news media. A few years ago we heard of a left-leaning professor couple being forced out of a mleccha liberal arts college by a particularly sustained outbreak of this disease. Some other, otherwise rather neutral and harmless, mleccha physicians/professors were also seriously targeted but being part of the Ivy elite themselves they suffered little from the attacks. Similarly, there was a mlecchikā who used to originally think of the rākṣasonmāda as a great blessing on humanity. "
  • “Thus, those who were observant and discerning knew that this extremely dangerous mānasika-ruj was just waiting to jump out into the wider population like a viral pandemic.” - MT

Anti Hindu activity

  • Naxalism

Elite susceptibility

-“unless it mutates into a version that is more in line with basic biology it will unerringly face the adverse edge of natural selection. H are low immunity population currently and the the disease could rip through the H laying their elite low, given that they have shown a particular susceptibility to the disease. Thus, there remains question of whether there will be enough of H elite left after the disease rips through to survive a frontal assault from marUnmada and the more vigorous pretonmada strains.”

Urban Naxalism

“A part of the urban Bhārata elite are nothing other than mleccha-s with an asita-tvak; hence, they would get similarly afflicted by the disease. Like all the prior abrahma-ruj-s, this latest strain retains its inherent hate for dharma and theoclasm. Hence, the Hindu elite will need to become aware of this dangerous disease and not be fooled by the subterfuge it practices of hiding beneath other causes of jana-kopa. One thing that will show its face to Hindus will be its collaboration with marūnmāda and its śanti-dūta-s and pretonmāda and its prema-dūta-s in Bhārata.”

2020 eruptions - “Already it was used by the duṣṭa Sora against Bhārata in conjunction with the marūnmatta-s in the recent past.” - MT. Soros vs Modi YT20.


  • Works such as “1984” by George Orwell.