
Problems with Science

Medieval History

  • The renaissance spirit owes a lot to the pagan revivalist Plethon, whose school was unfortunately subverted.
  • In the Middle Ages, the view that the Book of Nature and the Book of Scripture must be harmonious (because they have the same “author”) led to non-literal interpretations of scripture to conform to empirical data. [??]
    • William of Conch (1100-1154) said: “Since the same earth, water and heat continue to exist today, there is no natural reason why new human races are not produced naturally from their interaction. Since we have never seen this happen, there must be some divine prohibition against it.” This is an astounding example from medieval times by a Christian theologian who invokes God not to create living things but to prevent them from naturally getting created."
  • The chruch famously opposed novel scientific ideas of Copernicus and Galelio (whom it forced to recant). We have also seen a 100 year long rejection of the principle of natural selection. Some even opposed the printing press (IMG) and mathematics (TW)!
  • There is a view that the Christian doctrine of causation (especially the separation of primary and secondary causes) helped the birth of modern science. Only a few phenomena, like Jesus’ resurrection and the initial moment of creation were thought to be directly caused by God (primary causation). Every thing else was caused by secondary (naturalistic) causes which did not require God’s constant intervention. God sets creation in motion and then the intrinsic natures of things carry the process forward.
  • To find out which phenomena are caused directly by God (miracles), it becomes important to understand what the “common course of nature” is. Only then can deviations from that common course be detected. An investigation into the common course of nature for the discernment of miracles contributed to the development of modern science.

Current status

  • Catholic church
    • Accepts the theory of evolution and the big bang theory since around 1950-s. (Francis quote) Main question is when God managed to insert a soul into humans.
  • Miscellaneous American creationists
    • Reject big bang, the theory of evolution, even human induced global warming as of 2014.

Secularism, Sacred vs profane distinction

Thoughts on this are here.

Connection with the European Renaissance and Enlightenment

  • Ideals such as secularism and secular humanism are not Christian ideas, but reactions to them.
    • Even protestant champions such as Martin Luther and Calvin were anti semites and demagogues.
  • Renaissance and Enlightenment was a rebellion against contemporary Christian ideas.
    • A critical role played by pagans like Plethon and his followers [MT].
    • Many Hindu texts were translated to European languages and that is why Voltaire, Nietzsche, etc., profoundly cite those.

Snake handling

they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover. - Mark 16:18

YT Cody Coots from Kentucky gets bitten by a rattle snake while trying to follow Mark 16:18, his father James Coots died of same