God of israel

Source: TW

At many places in the Old Testament (Jewish bible), God calls himself “the God of Israel” . 203 of them are given in the thread quoted below.

It was the apostle Paul who,
after his supposed vision,
proclaimed that the salvation from this God of Israel was open to everyone through faith in Christ.
Christians proclaimed that they are the new Israel,
not by ethnicity but by faith in the God of Israel and his so called “son”.

Let the Jews worship their God of Israel.
Let everyone else worship their own gods.
We can’t have any faith in India that says
some other people are the chosen nation under their God for thousands of years.

(Judge Jhephthah says): “Yahweh, the God of ISRAEL has granted possession of the Amorite [land] to his people Israel. Will you now take possession from them?

Do you not (already) possess that which Kemosh, YOUR god grants to you?

We will possess all that Yahweh, our god has granted to us..

  • Judges 11: 23-24

Quoting the bible scholar Robert Goldenberg who says the following regarding this verse:

In this brief response, judge Jephthah expresses a view that was widely held at his time. According to this view, every nation has its own guardian deity that watches over it in a land it has received as an inheritance. Under the protection of its god, every nation lives in secure prosperity unless it forfeits that god’s protection, or unless some stronger god snatches away the land and gives it to some other people. This, of course, would have been an aggressive act, violation of the peace among the gods.

Israel’s god had fought and utterly defeated the gods of Egypt, but Jephthah had no reason to believe that his god and the Ammonites’ were on bad terms:

the Ammonites had received a gift from their god just as Israel had received the Promised Land from Yahweh,
and this should have been a stable arrangement under the gods’ joint supervision.

This conception is not monotheism.
This is a polytheistic view that expects each nation to have one special god
with whom it is linked in some kind of special bond.
In this view, national alliances or rivalries could be seen as reflections of alliances or rivalries among the gods themselves.
A nation’s defeat was a defeat for its god;
a nation’s power reflected the power of its god.
To support, he also quotes another verse from Exodus where Yahweh, the God of Israel says:

“On that same night I will pass through Egypt
and strike down every firstborn of both people and animals,
and I will bring judgement on all the gods of Egypt.
I am the LORD.” - Exodus 12 :12

For Yahweh, the God, to say that he will bring judgement on the gods of Egypt,
it logically implies that they exist.

The original biblical worldview is polytheistic and not monotheistic.
Monotheism is articulated only in the prophetic books and even then,
the Jews considered only themselves to be THE chosen nation of Yahweh and hence Yahweh was still their God.