Burning alive the missionary’s two sons (aged 10 and 6) does not help the H cause, imho. (Some claim that DS was not guilty, but the ppl supporting him on the web assume that he was and celebrate him for it.)
Are the exact events detailed somewhere? I imagine Graham would’ve been warned to get out (and face death) or his vehicle would be burned with kids. Did he reject possibility of kids being spared and keep them inside? Christian martyrdom fetish is why Japs invented tsurushi.
Is this allegation true -
Staines and his sons had awakened and apparently tried to escape, but were prevented from doing so by the angry mob of vigilantes.
Source: TW
As to whether the unfortunate (forced?) killing of the kids (human shields?) helped H cause - I wonder what effect it had on later missionary influx. (The optics is mostly pointless at that level - Hindus are going to be presented as backward and barbaric anyway.)