Higher fitness when among kufrs
- When Mohammedans r embedded in a population enthralled by limp ideologies liberalism, feminism, objectivism etc. It can actually enhance /1 the fitness of a # of them & their group. Kufr produces wealth for them to produce kids, or they may be inspired to acts of jihad like /2 capturing kufr women & produce kids thru them. (Parallel in early christianity -
Amantius offered no guarantee at first that the interview with Eudoxia would come off.237 This proved to be only the first hurdle to the prelates’ ambitions, for emperor Arcadius hesitated to crush the Hellenic cults of Gaza for fear that revenue collection there would suffer. Mark the Deacon gives the gist of Arcadius’ reply to Eudoxia after she confronted him with bishop Porphyrius’ petition. Porphyrius got this bit of information directly from Amantius himself:238
The emperor said:
“I know that the city is given to idolatry, but is right-minded with respect to taxation, paying a large amount of public revenue. If we attack them suddenly with fear, they will flee and we shall lose considerable revenue, but if it seems appropriate, we shall aggrieve them partially by taking away the titles of the idol-maniacs and their other civil offices, and we shall command that their temples be closed and no longer used. For when we trouble them, we fall short in all things, and they know the truth of this.”
Of course they may also be inspired to acts of ghazawat like the London fellow, if he had /3 no kids, then his act would have nullified his fitness though the meme would have spread itself by inspiring more to become ghazis.
Reversal upon kufr diminishment
- But /4 as the kufr population diminishes, the benefits also come down as less kufr to produce wealth for him to feast on, less kufr women to /5 capture etc.
- Eventually the returns may become -ve after every1 becomes Mohammedan as they will then turn to slaughtering each other on /6 who the *true* Mohammedans r.
Pyramid-scheme transfer of benefits
- There is also the pyramid scheme element, those who enter earlier (e.g. Arabs) get greater benefits. Thus a /7 recent Black African convert will enter as a lowly foot soldier, he won’t be getting a train full of bibi’s like the arab sheikhs. Recent /8 e.g. is IS using subcontinental recruits for toilet cleaning or tricking them into suicide bombings while giving > status to Arabs. /end