- Shahadah (Profession of Faith)
- Salat (Prayer)
- Zakat (Almsgiving)
- Sawm (Fasting)
- Hajj (Pilgrimage)
Twelver Shia:
- Tawhid (monotheism: belief in the oneness of God)
- Adl (divine justice: belief in God’s justice)
- Nubuwwah (prophethood)
- Imamah (succession to Muhammad)
- Mi’ad (the day of judgment and the resurrection)
- Salah
- Sawm
- Zakat
- Khums
- Hajj
- Jihad
- Enjoining good
- Forbidding wrong
- Tawalla: expressing love towards good.
- Tabarra: expressing disassociation and hatred towards evil.
- Walayah - “Guardianship” denotes love and devotion to God, the prophets, and the Ismaili Imams and their representatives
- Tawhid, “Oneness of God”.
- Salah prayer: Nizari Ismailis reason that it is up to the current imām to designate the style and form of prayer.
- Zakat alm giving.
- Sawm fasting.
- Hajj to Imam or Mecca
- Jihad “Struggle”