
  • mAshA’allah- Allah has willed it
  • alhamdulillah- praise be to Allah
  • inshA’allah- if Allah wills it
  • subhAnallah- glory be to Allah
  • astAghfirullah- (to seek forgiveness from Allah)
  • fi amAnallah- be with Allah’s protection/may Allah protect you (Indo-Paks are used to hearing Allah HAfiz which is an Arabization of Khuda HAfiz (HAfiz ofc still being Arabic)
  • fi sabIlillah- for the sake of Allah (this one is not an exclamation/response like the others, its a phrase you see used when someone is saying they want to do something for islamic reasons
  • ittaqullah- fear Allah (you can see the etymological connection with the word “taqwa”). this is something told to people when they voice doing something immoral/unislamic
  • jazakAllah (khayran)- may Allah reward you
  • bArakallah fIk- may Allah’s blessings be upon you

Fighting cries

  • (nArA e takbIr) Allah hu akbar - “Allah is greater” (Comparative Degree).
  • lA ilAha il allah, muhammad ul rasUl allaH - “there is no God but Allah, and mohammed is Allah’s prophet”…as per Shahada
  • Gustakh e Rasool/nabi Ki Aik Hi Saza Sar Tan Se Juda - Only punishment for insulting the prophet - separating head from body.