

The Moslems count their Muhammad superior to all the prophets who have been sent by God, with the exception of Christ. But they hold that on Muhammad’s advent, the Christian faith was killed or annihilated, just as Judaism was by the coming of Christ. The only title they give to Muhammad is the Messenger of God. - Pelsaert


They attribute to him superhuman or fabulous gifts during his life on earth. For instance, a cloud or shadow always rested above his head; that his body cast no shadow; that flies never settled on it; that a long journey was shortened for him, and the road contracted; and that no one ever saw his excrement, which the earth opened and absorbed. - Pelsaert

Wedding and bedding

Zaynab bint Jahsh - First cousin, widowed → daughter in law → wife

Aisha and Fatima

When people point out the fact that Mohamed married Aisha while she was 6 and did complete sexual intercourse when she was 9 (while doing sexual things to her in between), Muslim apologetics will say that it’s not a paedophile because this was something acceptable 1400 years ago. But in fact, according to Sunan an-Nasa’i 3221, Mohamed’s companions Abubakr and Omar proposed to his daughter Fatima at different times while she was 15, and he refused both times and said, “She’s still young.” You know what’s even crazier? Abu Bakr is the father of Aisha. So, basically, when Mohamed proposed to his daughter while she was 6, he agreed, and when he proposed to Mohamed’s daughter, Mohamed refused because Fatima was only 15.

  • Imtiaz Mahmood on FB

Special widows

According to the Qur’an, God forbade anyone to marry the wives of Muhammad, because of their respect and honour, after he died.