Anti-pagan actions


  • “Not only did Jews of this time engage in proselytizing, the very word “proselyte” is thought to have been originally coined (proselythos in Greek) to refer to a convert who had turned away from the polytheistic traditions of the Greeks, Romans, etc, and embraced Judaism. According to A History of the Jewish People, the “roots” of the proselytizing movement among Jews “reached back to the beginnings of the Second Temple Era”, that is, the late 6th century BC, and this movement “reached it’s peak in the first century CE” [p. 276]. " {EG}
  • “For the worst rascals among other peoples,15 renouncing their ancestral religions, always kept sending tribute and contributions to Jerusalem, thereby increasing the wealth of the Jews; again, the Jews are extremely loyal toward one another, and always ready to show compassion, but toward every other people they p183feel only hate and enmity. … Those who are converted to their ways follow the same practice, and the earliest lesson they receive is to despise the gods, to disown their country, and to regard their parents, children, and brothers as of little account. However, they take thought to increase their numbers; for they regard it as a crime to kill any late-born child…” - Tacitus [T1]


  • Simon Maccabaeus and his son John Hyrcanus, who reigned as rulers of Judea for almost four decades (142-104 BC)
    • “Gezer was invested according to all the rules of that art and attacked with the sophisticated siege engines that were in use in the hellenistic armies. The population was expelled, pagan cults abolished and the city resettled with Jews faithful to their religion. Simon also built himself a palace in Gezer, which became one of the administrative centres of Judea. John Hyrcanus, Simon’s son, was appointed governor of the city. An even greater impression on contemporaries was made by the conquest of the Acra, for as long as the citadel was inhabited by hellenists and garrisoned by gentiles Judea’s independence could not be assured.” [A History of the Jewish People, Ben-Sasson & Malamat, p. 215]
    • “In principle, John’s position was the same as that previously formulated by Simon in his reply to the envoys of Antiochus Sidetes — that the whole of Palestine was the ancestral heritage of the Jewish nation. In that heritage there was no room for foreign cults, as evidenced by the conversion of Idumea and the destruction of the Samaritan temple on Mount Gerizim. Under John Hyrcanus territorial expansion proceeded in various directions — south, north and east — with decisive consequences for the history of the people and the land… Now they completed the conquest of Galilee and defeated the Itureans, who seem to have ruled over part of the Upper Galilee. Like the Idumeans before them and in line with the policy developed by John Hyrcanus, they were converted …” [A History of the Jewish People, Ben-Sasson & Malamat, p. 218-9]
    • Even after Roman conquest and liberation of pagans: “for many years to come the Jewish population of Palestine was to exceed the gentiles in strength and numbers. The absorption of the gentile population, excluding the hellenized cities and the Samaritan concentration around Mount Gerizim, as a result of the proselytizing policy of John Hyrcanus and his successors, was irreversible.”
  • “Not surprisingly, the considerable interest shown by their flock in the Greek religion greatly alarmed the monotheistic paleo-Abrahamist orthodoxy and prophets who constantly strove to get them back. For example, the paleo-Abrahamists greatly praise one of their warrior-priests Mattathias who began the holy war against the Greeks. But the first person he murdered was a fellow paleo-Abrahamist because he had made offerings to Zeus at the altar. Only thereafter he kills the Greek official who was guarding the altar.” MT
  • “Mattathias’ son Judah Maccabee who continued holy war also rounded up several fellow paleo-Abrahamists, who were worshiping Greek deities, and forcibly clipped off their foreskins. But once the Hasmonean clan of Mattathias and Judah came to power, what happened was a civil war in Israel between the orthodox and their cousins who followed Hellenistic traditions to different degrees. Thus, it appears the success of the Paleo-Abrahamistic orthodoxy in keep their flock de-paganized was not great. … " MT
  • The First Jewish–Roman War (66–73 CE) originated in Roman and Jewish religious tensions (?), and later escalated due to anti-taxation protests and attacks upon Roman citizens..
  • The Kitos War (115–117) before being crushed by Quietus (Kitos): widespread slaughter of left-behind Roman garrisons and Roman citizens by Jewish rebels. In Cyrenaica (Libia), the rebels were led by one Lukuas or Andreas. His group destroyed many temples, including those to Hecate, Jupiter, Apollo, Artemis, and Isis, as well as the civil structures that were symbols of Rome, including the Caesareum, the basilica, and the public baths. Lukuas led the rebels toward Alexandria, entered the city, which had been abandoned by the Roman governor, Marcus Rutilius Lupus, and set fire to it. The Egyptian temples and the tomb of Pompey were destroyed. This resulted in great depopulation and the need to establish new colonies.
  • Bar Kokhba revolt (132–136 CE) triggered by building Aelia Capitolina, over the ruins of Jerusalem and the erection of a temple to Jupiter on the Temple Mount. Simon bar Kokhba, the commander of the revolt, was regarded by many Jews as the Messiah, who would restore their national independence. Result: Suppression of Jewish religious and political autonomy by Hadrian (no circumcision allowed), Large-scale destruction of Judean population by Roman troops.
  • Jewish leaders and population - to this day - regard the Bar Kokhba assault with reverence and fondness.


“Josiah destroyed all the shrines in Judah outside of Jerusalem. Burned the “Asherah” in the temple and scattered the ashes in a graveyard. He also went up to Bethel(an important Israelite temple). Josiah destroyed Bethel, defiled it by killing priests on the altar and burning their corpses on it. Bethel, that means “house of god”, that was supposedly founded by Jacob and had its sacred stone pillar set up by him. The rulers and priests aggressively promoted Jerusalem, until they finally decided that it was to have the only temple.”

  • Consequences:

“From Jeremiah 44. Jews in Egypt blaming the disaster on the king’s(Josiah and after) banning of the Queen of Heaven’s cult. Times were good until that happened, then it was just misfortune after misfortune. "

Role in anti-pagan alliances

  • The paleo-Abrahamist system is largely a ethnocentric one, so they their holy wars were mostly limited to suppression of polytheism among their people and within their lands. However, they were open to anti-pagan alliances with their universalist offshoots.

(“A rare exception being the conversion of section of the Khazar Turks to their religion. … this conversion might have played a role in the antagonism between the Khazars and the polytheistic Vikings of the incipient Kha’khanate of the Rus.”)

  • Communism and Sickularism are but newer incarnations of old hebraic plague - it is no wonder who spearheads them. To add to your list, just start writing down and checking the names of the Indologists and you will find something interesting. (more here)

Anti-hindu actions

  • Opinions expressed during modern Jewish visits to India [T1].

Limited Hindu-Jewish alliance

  • Just as the jews suddenly started liking the Roman emperor (Julian the hellene/ apostate) - they will make tactical alliances in the presence of a bigger threat from their universalist offshoots.