Indology mailing list
Membership restrictions
Dominik Wujastyk in 2000 - Archive link:
I’m sorry, but no. I founded this list with the explicit idea that it was for people who had quality intellects AND had used them for six or more years in the full-time study of Indian history and culture.
Less-qualified people are welcome to lurk, but not to post, especially on topics they feel passionate about.
Vidyashankar in 2000 Archive link :
To cite just two examples, does anyone wonder why Prof. George Cardona doesn’t actively participate here? Nor does Prof. Patrick Olivelle. For those who may have forgotten, both of them used to post messages here, till about three years ago.
Vidyashankar in 2000 Archive link
Dominik, may I point to another instance from not too long ago? On 16 July 2000, you threw Shrisha Rao out of this list, for expressing his own opinion about a person whom many Indologists anyway like to hate. Lance Cousins thought you had over-reacted, and Ashok Aklujkar noted that Shrisha had made several informative contributions in the past. He also hoped that Shrisha would be allowed to rejoin, but if I know Shrisha right, he would not do so, even if specifically invited.