
Enemy agency

  • “Western Academics who work on Indian Religion, literature, culture, philosophy etc generally get what little knowledge they have of Indian society and politics from politics and sociology departments bankrolled by Pakistan and the Middle east that talk about India in terms of poverty, oppression, and sectarian violence- unlike category a here, who when they get a grant for a year get 30,000-40,000 to go do fieldwork in india, people in poli sci or economics or sociology at the top of their field get 100,000+ grants to go do their work and then get published in journals bankrolled by the house of saud etc- their articles (in addition to being read by academics trying to learn something about “modern india”) end up incorporated into briefings for state dept officials and so forth”.

Reg. ISKCON counteraction

  • [AC16]
  • International Journal of Hindu Studies is basically run by them- Journal of Vaisnava Studies is actively run by them
  • Oxford Journal of Hindu Studies and Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies gets all their money from them.
  • that leaves Journal of Indian Philosophy, History and Culture of South Asia (Oxford), and things like Indo-Iranian journal.