sirhindi's legacya and Turkey



Imam Rabbani (Ahmad Sirhindi) is considered the second greatest Islamic theologian after Imam Ghazali. They both fused the current state of Sufism back into ulema-centered Islam. Imam Rabbani popularized the theology of “wahdat ash-shahood” - oneness of witnessing. This is a lame misappropriation of Vishishtadvaita, whose Ramanandi proponents were active in the area around where Sirhindi grew up. This reductionistic plagiarism was subhanallah’ed. Just as “wahdat al-wajood” is a reductionistic image of Advaita, Rabbani’s school is of Vishishtadvaita.

But while he misappropriated a few ideas from a school of Vedanta, Imam Rabbani launched the most virulent anti-Hindu and anti-Sikh campaign of his times. At a time when educated Muslim elites in India were experimenting with and often converting to Bhakti schools and Sikhi, Imam Rabbani spun a Sufi alternative while urging Mughal authorities towards violent repression of Hindus & Sikhs. It was Imam Rabbani who created and spread beef-eating and cow-slaughter as essential to Subcontinental Muslim identity. This was to make sure that unwilling or unenthusiastic converts to Islam did not maintain even loose links with their dharmic kinsmen.

It was this Sufi Sheikh Sirhindi, or Imam Rabbani, who wrote letters to the Mughal court urging the public humiliation and executions of Sikh Gurus. He is the force that ultimately lead to Aurangzeb’s fratricide and mission. In the modern Subcontinent, Ghazwat-ul-Hind-prophecy-mongering Pakistani Sufi sheikhs like Tahirul Qadri are his ideological spawn. His visits to India during Manmohan-Maino rule were attended by lakhs of Indian Muslims.

Turkish manifestation

Straits of Bosphorus. An Islamic savant called Said Nursi, called Bedi-uz-zaman (sort of like YugPurush) by his fans, said he had a vision of Imam Rabbani (Sirhindi) when meditating here once. Bedi-uz-zaman Said Nursi wanted to say that he takes the baton from Imam Rabbani. Fast fwd to Nursi - he rose when Ottomans were in decline, Russians were taking a bite out of their pichwada. Our genius said Islam would need Western science in order to retake world power. Treat kafirs & their sciences like domestic animals - he repeated this hadith a lot.+++(5)+++

If pan-Turkic nationalistic Kemalism was the Aegean-facing Europeanized Turkey, then pan-Islamic Nursiism was still warm within the Anatolian heartland. This new schizophrenic Turkey was effectively a trojan horse - only in reverse direction, from Troy into Hellenosphere.+++(5)+++ Fethullah Gulen, the most significant Sufi leader during Kemalist Turkey, considered himself a disciple of Nursi. All his disciples read Nursi’s Risala at every meeting. Gulenism ran a chain of schools across Turkey: good science curriculum plus Islam - Just like Nursi said.

After the breakup of the USSR, Gulenists also put up schools across all Turkic stans. Also in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. They also run “get-a-trophy-wife” marriage-jihad from former Soviet Eastern Europe with many women who are willing to be mail-order brides.+++(4)+++

Gulen’s vast network of schools and “lighthouses” established on university campuses created a generation of ideologically Islamist young Turks. They infiltrated academe, police services, Turkish media/TV and the Army. His media houses created disaffection with Kemalism. Note, Gulen made enemies in the Kemalist establishment. Promptly got asylum in the US, and it is from his Pennsylvania estate that he has run and expanded his now worldwide Islamist network.

His disciples are in a pyramid hierarchy. Many claim he appears in visions. Now Gulenists in all sectors of Turkish society were the force for the gradual and later meteoric rise of Erdogandoo. But upon seizing power, Urdugand unleashed a purge targeted not just at Kemalists but also many Gulenists. He accused Gulen of being an AmirKhan ajint. It remains to be seen how Gulenism plays out now, how deep the falling out with Urdugand goes, compared to assorted kafirs including those hosting hazrat e pir.

David and Saul strategy is very typical among all 3+1 marunmattas. Thus, via Nursi, Gulen and Urdugand, modern Turkish Islamism is directly spiritually connected to our very own Sooth Asian Mujaddid alf e Sani Imam Rabbani: plagiarist of Vedanta, killer of cows, inspiration behind killing of Sikh Gurus & further genocide of Hindus.


Fun fact: Said/Saeed Nursi was one of the Islamic savants also considered a math genius. His reading of the Qur’an puts the total number of aayats (verses) at 6,666. (Other readings break up aayats differently to arrive at a slightly lower or higher number). The number 6,666 is interesting within the marunmatta traditions itself, especially Christianity. But it is also significant in the Vedic tradition- RigVeda 7.18.14 puts the number of enemy forces extinguished by Indra Devata at 6,666. Some Arya Samaj scholars have used this.